Our Response to Covid-19
99% Vaccinated
99% of Sommerset residents have been vaccinated against Covid and 100% of residents have been given the opportunity to receive the vaccine. Some people are unable to get the vaccine due to medical conditions. We always put safety first.
Keeping residents connected
During the time when visitors were unable to visit the community, Sommerset staff assisted residents with virtual facetime visits with their loved ones. We purchased additional laptops to ensure that residents were able to have frequent accessibility to connect with their family and friends.

“It was wonderful to be able to talk to our family members, the activity department helped us do this through face-time!”
Resident at Sommerset Neighborhood
Committed to safety
Sommerset Neighborhood was quick to act on safety protocols and restrict visitation as well as recommend masks. Following CDC guidance, surgical or cloth masks became mandatory for visitors. As part of our commitment to safety, executive director Jessica Guillory obtained a Nursing Home Infection Preventionist certification through the CDC. Sommerset Neighborhood also had an infection control survey done by OSDH – and passed with no deficiencies!

“Management did everything that they could to make us feel safe.”
Resident at Sommerset Neighborhood
We are open for tours again!
Currently, we are open to visitors and in-person tours. Sommerset continues to follow all state health department as well as CDC guidelines. Watch for further Covid updates as guidelines can change on a daily basis.